Friday, November 1, 2013

Continuing the discussion - USists, Americanists, and more!

As a follow-up to the interdisciplinary roundtable kicking off our Fall term, "What is a USist? (Or, are you an Americanist?)," we'd like to share some of the references that emerged from that conversation and get your suggestions for key readings in your discipline or fields of interest (key can mean central, exciting, frustratingly over- or under-cited) that we can center one or more subsequent sessions around.

To suggest a text (preferably an article or selected book chapter or introduction), please email by November 8th. And if you'd be willing to help facilitate the discussion surrounding your selection, please let us know too!

Anna Brickhouse. Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere (Cambridge UP, 2004).

Paul Giles. The Global Remapping of American Literature (Princeton UP, 2011).

Kirsten Silva Gruesz. Ambassadors of Culture: The Transamerican Origins of Latino Writing (Princeton UP 2002.)

Levander, Caroline Field, and Robert S. Levine. Hemispheric American Studies (Rutgers UP, 2008).

Donald E. Pease and Robyn Wiegman. The Futures of American Studies (Duke UP, 2002).

Jon Smith and Deborah N. Cohn, editors. Look Away!: The U.S. South in New World Studies (Duke UP, 2004).

Caroline Levander's forthcoming Where is American Literature?